Harris County Redevelopment Authority and
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone 24

The Harris County Redevelopment Authority (HCRDA)

The HCRDA serves Harris County, the third most populous county in the U.S.


The HCRDA created TIRZ 24 to attract private investment in over 7,588 acres of prime land for commercial and residential development.


Un- or Underdeveloped

Fifty-two percent of TIRZ 24 Southern Sector land is undeveloped or underdeveloped, offering excellent investment opportunities in the heart in Houston.

Initial Capital Investments

An initial $64 million dollar 2024 capital improvement program is planned for the construction of strategic water, sewer and roadway projects in TIRZ 24.

Affordable Housing Funds

The TIRZ established a $100 million affordable housing fund.


Who We Are

Established in 2012 by the Harris County Commissioners Court pursuant to Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code, the Harris County Redevelopment Authority (HCRDA) is the corporate operating entity for the County-led Greater Houston TIRZ (TIRZ 24). The HCRDA provides governance, strategic direction over project financing, final project and budget approvals, administration and operation of TIRZ 24.

TIRZ 24 is a unique hybrid entity – the first of its kind in Texas – which was created by the City of Houston but is administered by Harris County. The HCRDA works across Harris County and coordinates with multiple special districts in its mission to benefit growth and development in TIRZ 24 and Harris County.

The specific tasks of the Redevelopment Authority are:


To promote, develop and encourage economic development, community investment, infrastructure investment and revitalization programs on behalf of the County


To administer and coordinate the implementation of multiple Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones (TIRZs) within Harris County


To help develop areas of Harris County by investing in infrastructure that facilitates economic growth that promotes job creation, community investment and revitalization, affordable housing and funding for any lawful purposes of the TIRZ and HCRDA, including public facilities

The HCRDA is a political subdivision of the State of Texas and recognized as a public entity incorporated in the State. It is considered a component unit of Harris County and is governed by an appointed seven-member board.

Developments within Harris County TIRZ 24’s boundary are diverse and include professional sports complexes including NRG Park, the METRO Rail Operations, higher education facilities, hotels, single- family and multi-family residential and commercial and industrial businesses. However, approximately 52% of the southern sector study area remains vacant due to a deficit of public infrastructure, (eg., water, sewer, drainage, roads, and parks).

Southern Sector

Cullen Annexation

Central Business District (CBD) East Downtown





Board &
Meeting Information




HCRDA and TIRZ 24 commissioned an Infrastructure & Investment Study. EHRA Engineering prepared the study detailing sector studies, land use assessments, environmental and transportation evaluations and much more.

You can download your copy of the 49-page study here.



HCRDA and TIRZ 24 Helping Address Affordable Housing Needs

HCRDA and TIRZ 24 Helping Address Affordable Housing Needs

TIRZ 24 is setting aside 25% from annual tax increments for a Permanent Affordable Housing Fund. This new fund will facilitate the development of a variety of affordable housing communities throughout the TIRZ and Harris County.

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